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White collar crimes may have severe consequences

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Category White Collar Crimes
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Man Charged White Collar Crimes

Two men from another country were recently arrested in North Carolina. They are accused of white collar crimes involving the cloning of credit cards. Authorities in Bladen County claim the two individuals were in possession of 326 cloned credit cards at the time of their arrests.

It is alleged that the men obtained identifying and account information of others by using card-skimming devices. Those details were then allegedly used to clone the credit cards. Reportedly, law enforcement received notice from the State Employees Credit Union about cash withdrawals being made at one of its ATM points with fraudulent credit cards. Bank officials had apparently tracked the two men while they withdrew cash from several ATMs.

The sheriff’s office sent deputies to the scene, and claim that the men were arrested while they were withdrawing money from the ATM. Authorities say deputies then obtained a search warrant for the South Carolina hotel room in which the men were staying. Investigators claim to have recovered a card-skimming device, four laptops, ledgers, notebooks, $30,000 in foreign currency and $7,000 in U.S. currency. The men apparently entered the United States on valid visas, and the U.S. Secret Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation were informed of the case.

Bail was set at $1 million for each of the two accused individuals. Any person who is in similar circumstances of facing charges for white collar crimes, whether at the state or federal level in North Carolina, will likely benefit by seeking the support and guidance of an experienced criminal defense attorney. After assessing the charges and the available evidence, the lawyer can launch an independent investigation and work on a defense strategy designed to achieve the most favorable results.

Source:, “2 charged in fraud involving cloned credit cards“, Nancy McCleary, Oct. 30, 2017

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