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It is possible to restore your North Carolina driver’s license after a Driving While Impaired conviction. §20-17.8 of North Carolina’s General Statutes describes the necessary steps to regain your driving privileges. You should know that all drivers with a DWI conviction are reported to the National Driver Registration database.

After you lose your license, the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) sends you a written Notice of Requirement. Following these requirements is mandatory if you want to restore your license. The better you understand how the process works, the faster you can regain your driving privileges.

How Do I Restore My License in Charlotte, NC?

After a DWI conviction, the court requires you to attend an alcohol education program or alcohol abuse treatment. If your breathalyzer registered over 0.14% or if you failed to submit to a breath test, the court will refer you to treatment.

You’ll need to complete the DWI Substance Use Assessment before attending either program.

Substance Use Assessment

You will bring your court papers and a certified copy of your complete driving history from the DMV to the substance use assessment.

You may request a driving history certified copy from the DMV for $15.

Alcohol Drug Education Traffic School

After the assessment, you might be assigned to an education program. North Carolina uses Alcohol Drug Education Traffic School.

You are eligible for ADETS if you do not have an identified substance abuse disorder meth, pain pills, alcohol, or any other substance that could impair your driving. All ADETS programs use PRIME for Life to address drug or alcohol problems.

Ignition Interlocks

Once education or treatment programs are complete, you will be required under §20-17.8(b) to install an ignition interlock device on all registered vehicles you own. If you own a car that another family member uses, you can apply for a waiver. The court considers ignition interlock waivers on a case-by-case basis.

Restoring a License After an Underage DWI

Younger drivers need their vehicles to get to school or work. Restoring Your North Carolina License After A DWI Conviction §20-17.8 also applies if you have an underage DWI.

NC DWI Conviction for Out-of-State Driver

North Carolina will check the National Driver Registration database to determine if you have any previous license suspension, revocation, cancellation, or denials. This information helps determine your penalty.

Even if you live out of state, you must complete the substance use assessment discussed above. Once the court determines if you should undergo education or treatment, a North Carolina provider can help you find an approved program near you. That same provider must review and process your information after you complete the program.

The last step to recovering your license is filing a Certificate of Completion.

Restore Your License in Charlotte Easier with a DWI Lawyer

Restoring a license after a DWI or underage DWI conviction is complex. You might save yourself time and effort when you contact an experienced DWI lawyer from the beginning of your case. Our criminal attorneys understand statute §20-17.8 and how to restore your license after a DWI conviction.

Call Randall & Stump today for a free consultation.