If you’re like numerous other parents in Charlotte and throughout North Carolina, watching your young children head off to school can leave you worried for their safety as reported school bus accidents are rising at an alarming rate. School bus accidents and other incidents involving children as they cross the street or head to and from school can cause serious injuries that result in long-term or permanent disabilities, disfigurement and other serious health-related issues.
To learn more about our firm, our credentials, and how we can help you and your family, call Randall & Stump, Criminal Defense Attorneys and schedule a free consultation at (980) 237-4579, or by completing our online contact form.
At Randall & Stump, Criminal Defense Attorneys, we understand the fear and frustration facing parents whose children have been injured in school bus accidents or other incidents. As your attorneys, we will see that your child receives the treatment he or she needs while pursuing maximum compensation on their behalf. We will make sure the negligent parties are held accountable while doing everything we can to see that your child receives justice.
There are more to school bus accidents than just run-ins with other vehicles. Children are vulnerable as they enter and leave the bus, cross the street or come around the front of a bus as motorists may fail to acknowledge the stop signs and other warning signs. Further complicating these cases is the fact that children often suffer incredibly serious injuries ranging from fractures and soft tissue injuries to spinal cord injuries and in the most tragic cases, death.
We will investigate the circumstances of the incident, work with medical professionals and other experts to determine the full extent of your child’s injuries all while pursuing compensation to see that your child’s medical expenses are covered and that any future complications are accounted for.
If your child succumbed to his or her injuries, we will stand by your side and see that responsible parties are held accountable by pursuing a wrongful death claim on your behalf. Of course, we understand that no amount of compensation can undo the pain you’re going through, but we believe in the importance of helping your family pursue a sense of closure.