How Much is a Driving While License Revoked Ticket in North Carolina?
Randall & Stump excels in criminal defense, serving clients in Charlotte, NC & other surrounding cities.
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Randall & Stump, PLLC
Category DUI/DWI, DWI, Traffic
Monday, July 12, 2021
You could pay hundreds of dollars in fines for driving with a suspended or revoked license in North Carolina. There are additional costs when you consider the potential loss of your job and steep car insurance premiums.
Read below to learn more about each of these consequences.
How Your License Could Be Suspended or Revoked
In North Carolina, a driver’s license is considered a privilege. Your license can be suspended or revoked for many reasons:
- Refusing a chemical test for suspected Driving While Impaired
- Too many tickets
- Unpaid tickets
- Reckless driving
- Street racing
Legal Penalties for Suspended or Revoked License
Suspension of your license is a Class 1 misdemeanor and carries up to 60 days in jail and a possible fine. You might also have to attend a driver’s improvement clinic arranged by an Administrative Hearings Officer. You are responsible for paying for the clinic based on what you can afford, from $40 to $450.
If you are Driving While License Revoked (DWLR), it’s a Class 3 misdemeanor. You could spend up to 150 days in jail and pay a fine of $200 or more.
Points on Your License
Drivers with a DWI suspended or revoked license are entered into an electronic statewide court system. Points are added to your driving history and reported to a national insurance data bank.
Your insurance company finds out about your suspended or revoked license even if you don’t tell them. You may expect your insurance rates to increase.
Vehicle Ignition Monitoring
Some drivers with a DWI must have an alcohol monitoring system on their vehicle’s ignition. You are responsible for covering the expense of this system, which adds to the overall cost of a revoked or suspended license.
Suspensions Are Cumulative
Driver’s license suspensions have cumulative penalties. If your license were suspended for 30 days, this would add a year for the first offense. Three offenses can lead to a permanent revocation, not to mention an increase in fines and jail time.
How to Avoid the Cost of a Suspended License
It is a crime to drive with a suspended or revoked license. However, you could request a hearing to seek limited driving privileges. Depending on the circumstances of your case, the court might allow you to drive back and forth to work or during a family emergency.
A Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help
If your license is suspended or revoked, an experienced traffic court attorney could help restore your driving privileges. Our criminal defense attorneys in Charlotte, NC will advocate on your behalf to fight these charges and safeguard your future. Call the law firm of Randall & Stump today for a free consultation.