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How Long Does a Personal Injury Claim Take?

By Randall & Stump excels in criminal defense, serving clients in Charlotte, NC & other surrounding cities.
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Category Insurance Claims, Personal Injury
Monday, September 23, 2019

Filling out a personal injury claim

After suffering from an injury that was caused by another party’s negligence, you likely have countless questions running through your mind. If you wish to file a claim against the liable party and their insurance company, you may be asking yourself, “how long does a personal injury claim take?” After all, you want to be compensated sooner rather than later so you can move forward with your life.

If you’ve been hurt in an accident or incident that was not your fault, reach out to our experienced Charlotte personal injury lawyers at Randall & Stump, Criminal Defense Attorneys. We’ll evaluate your case and provide you with an accurate timeline. Call us at (980) 237-4579 today.

Factors That Impact a Personal Injury Claim Timeline

Unfortunately, there is no hard answer to “how long does a personal injury claim take?” Every claim is unique and has its own set of circumstances. The following factors play a vital role in how long your particular case may take to settle.

Factual Conflicts

If you believe a certain party is liable and their insurance company feels otherwise, your claim may take longer than if you were both in agreement. Fortunately, a Charlotte personal injury lawyer can help you resolve these conflicts by thoroughly investigating your case and collecting the right evidence.

Medical Treatment

One of the most vital parts of your personal injury claim is your medical treatment. It’s essential for you to receive all the treatment you need to return to your pre-accident condition. After you’ve completed your treatment plan and fully recovered, your doctor and personal injury lawyer will know how these injuries will affect your life down the road. They can make sure you are compensated fairly for your current and future medical bills.

Large Sums of Money

If your personal injury claim involves larges sums of money, insurance companies will almost always delay paying you until they’ve investigated all aspects of your case. Since insurance companies are in business to make money and want to pay out as little as possible. Your personal injury lawyer will need to convince them that:

  • You experienced severe injuries that were the result of the accident.
  • They do not have a defense against your claim.
  • You are a credible person.


Fortunately, most personal injury cases settle outside of the courtroom. Sometimes, however, they go to trial. Taking a case to trial will typically involve additional legal documentation by your personal injury lawyer as well as testimony from an expert witness. This means, your case will take much longer if trial is necessary.

Receiving Compensation After a Personal Injury Claim

Once you and your personal injury lawyer and the liable party’s insurance company agree on a compensation amount, you’ll likely need to sign a series of release forms. Then, the insurer will process your release and make a check payable to you and your lawyer.

Unfortunately, they may delay this a bit so you can’t expect to get the money from them right away. After your lawyer receives your insurance check, they’ll deposit it in an escrow account and pay your liens. Then, they’ll deduct any legal fees and send the remaining amount to you.

Contact Randall & Stump, Criminal Defense Attorneys

If you’ve been hurt in an accident or incident that was caused by someone else’s negligent actions, consult Randall & Stump, Criminal Defense Attorneys right away. You can trust us to work tirelessly so that you can settle your claim and receive the fair and full compensation you may be entitled to. Call us at (980) 237-4579 today.